Islândia estrutura Educação em torno de seis referências-chave: literacia, sustentabilidade, democracia, igualdade, saúde e bem estar, criatividade.
A preocupação central é promover a autonomia e a iniciativa dos alunos. A avaliação é focalizada na progressão em torno destes objectivos e a escola é considerada como um todo.
Uma visão bem diferente do recuo medieval que está a ser imposto em Portugal pela equipa de conservadores do actual Ministério da Educação.
Iceland: The National Curriculum Guide - Six Fundamentals, 13. 6. 2012
During the drafting of the 2011 "National curriculum guides for pre-primary, compulsory and upper secondary education", the Minister of Education, Science and Culture decided that special attention should be paid to the school system that is being developed since new laws came into effect in 2008 and the reconstruction of society that is taking place as a response to the economic crisis. To this end, the Minister established the six "Fundamentals of Education", ensuring that individual and social values in public education are integrated at all school levels (primary, compulsory and upper secondary education).
These six "Fundamentals" are:
- Literacy
- Sustainability
- Democracy
- Equality
- Health and Welfare
- Creativity
The "Fundamentals" are integrated in the Curriculum Guides at every school level and influence:
- choice of subjects and content of teaching, play and study.
- work procedures and methods taught to children.
- working methods of teachers and other school staff.
These should promote autonomy and initiative. In addition, during school evaluations, an assessment must be made of whether and how the "Fundamentals" have made their mark on teaching, play and study, as well as on the running of the school as a whole.